What We're Doing

Polk County Public Works is leading a multi-year project to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Central Iowa. With funding from the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG), the planning team is working with leaders from the 7-county Central Iowa Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) to ask the region: What’s Next, Central Iowa?

The goal of this project is to support investment in policies, practices, and technologies that reduce pollutant emissions, create high-quality jobs, spur economic growth, and enhance the quality of life in Central Iowa. We intend to connect people with resources and programs for things like home weatherization, financial incentives for electric vehicles, access to cleaner, cheaper grid power, neighborhood beautification through tree cover, and more. By improving knowledge and access to these kinds of programs, we can save Central Iowans money while reducing the region’s emissions.

Find us at an event near you to have a chat about the strategies you’re interested in to support a healthier climate and a wealthier pocket book. We’ll be all around Dallas, Guthrie, Jasper, Madison, Polk, and Warren Counties this summer, and we hope to connect with as many people as possible. See our current plans below! 

Do you know of an event in your area that could use some climate representation? Do you have a question about anything we’re doing, or what you can do to get involved in climate pollution reduction? Contact us and someone from the Climate Planning Team will get back to you soon!

August 8th, 2024 Resilient Roots: What's in the Water?
August 7th, 2024 Zoo Brew
August 14th, 2024 Zoo Brew
August 31st, 2024 Taste of the Junction - Multicultural Festival